The mission of the Florida Flight:
Utilize the platform of professional basketball to
invest in the lives of others!

Become A

Become A
Our individual game tickets are affordably $10.00, but we want FREQUENT FLYERS! We want fans that we can get to know...that want to get to support our blue-collar players. For just $35, you can be at every Florida Flight game held during the fiscal year.
With a Florida Flight season ticket purchase, patrons are entitled to attend every game in or out of the regular Florida Basketball Association season (including playoff games). With a minimum of 8 games/year, that's just $4.37 per game.
Find out how to become a Frequent Flyer
Professional sports teams rely on various revenue streams to accomplish their goals. Our BOOSTER PROGRAM provides the cash flow necessary to partake in a variety of creative outreach initiatives, including but not limited to:
- Free basketball camps and clinics
- J's for A's Program
- Underprivilaged ticket vouchers
- Creative marketing strategies

We are approaching our 10th year, but just like most minor league sports teams, getting the word out about how awesome we are is challenging.
Therefore, we meet that challenge by challenging others: Don't sponsor us for what you can get out of it. Sponsor us to give back to our community. Sponsor us for what we can do with the powerful platform of sports to make a difference in the lives of others.
The bigger our platform, the bigger the impact that we can have in the lives of our community of fans.

Become A
We don't want to keep it a secret: This team was derived from a God-given vision to use basketball to make a difference in others. Many of the people that assist the Flight on game day are volunteers that believe in the Flight mission statement enough to put actions behind that belief.
Maybe you can't afford to be a Frequent Flyer, a Flight Booster or a Sponsor. Maybe you don't have the time to volunteer on game days, or maybe you would, but you live too far away.
We believe in the power of prayer. Pray for our success. Pray that we use any and all resources to further execute our God-given mission statement. Pray that God continues to put us in a position to reach those in need of God.
Make a personal committment to pray for us